Join Us in Worship

A Spiritual Journey Awaits

Join us each week for gatherings aimed at nurturing your spiritual growth. With heartfelt Sunday sermons and mid-week services to fuel your soul's longing, we're here to accompany you..

We've built a warm community where everyone is welcome, no matter where they find themselves on their spiritual quest. Let's journey this road together, learning and growing with every step we take.

Weekly Events

Celebration Service (Sunday)

Join us every Sunday for our Celebration Service at 8:00 AM

Mid-Week Service (Wednesday)

Gather with us every Wednesday for our Mid-Week Service at 6:00 PM

Encounter Service (Friday)

Experience the Encounter Service with us every Friday at 6:00 PM

Location: Pinacle Hyper Store, near Tse Addo Round About, Mahama Road.